International Scenar Academy in South Africa
MARCH 2025 – LEVEL 1 Workshop with the RitmScenar Professional Device
(for Facilitators Professional Use)
Tuesday 11th to Friday 14th March (Four Days)
Venue: Val de Vie Estate Paarl
Scenar Principles in DIAG 1 and DIAG 0 – General Zones All Methods ‘Higher.’
Cleansers and Energy, Mental, & Pain Relief Methods. Demonstrations and Practice.
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm daily
Cost R5,960 - includes manuals, refreshments and lunches (non-refundable Deposit required on registration - R1,490)
Refresher course 4 days - R2,400 (OR R600/day) Please register.
Bring a notebook, pencils and coloured pens (Black, Blue, Red, Green)
APRIL 2025 – Workshop with the RitmScenar Home Device
(for Personal Use)
Wednesday 9th to Thursday 10th April (Two Days)
Venue: Val de Vie Estate Paarl
Scenar Principles and working in Objective & Subjective modes.
General Zones; cleanses; Specific Protocols; Pain Methods; Reciprocals.
Time: 9:00am to 4:30pm daily
Cost R1,980 - includes manual, refreshments and lunches. (Deposit required on registration - R990)
Refresher course 2 days – R1,000 (OR R500/day)
Bring a notebook, pencils and coloured pens (Black, Blue, Red, Green
MAY 2025 – Facilitators Professional Workshop
New Treatment Module (TBA)
Thursday 1st & Friday 2nd May (Two Days)
Venue: Val de Vie Estate Paarl
Requirement: level 1
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm daily
Cost R900 - Snacks & refreshments included (No deposit required)
Bring note book, pencils and coloured pens​
JUNE 2025 – LEVEL 2 Workshop with the RitmScenar Professional Device
(for Facilitators Professional use)
Tuesday 17th to Thursday 19th June (Three Days)
Venue: Val de Vie Estate Paarl
Horizontals - Advanced Cleansing, Energy, Mental Methods & Balance of the Autonomic Nervous System.
Demonstrations and practice
Requirement: level 1
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm daily
Cost R4,470 - includes manuals, refreshments and lunches. (Deposit required on registration - R1,490)
Refresher course Cost – R1,800 (OR R600/day)
Bring a notebook, pencils and coloured pens (Black, Blue, Red, Green)
OCTOBER 2025 – LEVEL 3 Workshop with the RitmScenar Professional Device
(for Facilitators Professional use)
Wednesday 1st to Friday 3rd October (Three Days)
Venue: Val de Vie Estate Paarl
Principles in Diag 1 - Advanced Methods ‘All Higher’ ‘Stereognosis’ Speeding up Techniques’ ‘Measure of Reaction’ Theory, Demonstrations and Practice
Requirement: level 1 & level 2
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm daily
Cost R4,470 - includes manuals, refreshments and lunches. (Deposit required on registration - R1,490)
Refresher course Cost – R1,800 (OR R600/day)
Bring a notebook, pencils and coloured pens (Black, Blue, Red, Green)
OCTOBER 2025 – Workshop with the RitmScenar Home Device
(for Personal Use)
Wednesday 22nd to Thursday 23rd October (Two Days)
Venue: Val de Vie Estate Paarl
Scenar Principles and working in Objective & Subjective modes.
General Zones; cleanses; Specific Protocols; Pain Methods; Reciprocals.
Time: 9:00am to 4:30pm daily
Cost R1,980 - includes manual, refreshments and lunches. (Deposit required on registration - R990)
Refresher course 2 days – R1,000 (OR R500/day)
Bring a notebook, pencils and coloured pens (Black, Blue, Red, Green
Extra Workshops / Modules will be inserted during the year as required.
* There will be surprise additions to selected workshops.
** Additional modules will always be covered at workshops and assessment programs.
*** Extra Workshops for specific modules and requirements will be added to the schedule when and where possible.